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Christine Brown Flaunts Weight Loss... to Taunt Rival Sister Wife?

The feud between Meri Brown and Kody Brown has been well documented for months now.

But might Sister Wives fans have been focusing on the wrong rivalry?

Allow us to explain and/or theorize...

Late this past week, Christins Brown shared a couple of new photos of herself at home on Facebook.

In these photos, Christine is rocking a couple LuLaRoe outfits, which she sells, while also showing off her new and improved figure, a fact not lost on her followers.

“You look like you've lost weight!” one person wrote, while another remarked:

“I hear Christine is a running queen.... she is as fit as can be.”

And yet another individual told Christine that she looks "amazing."

We're not arguing any of these points or opinion, let's get that straight right now.

The thing is, Christine posted these images very soon after Meri also posted a brand new picture of herself.

In the latter's snapshot, she's in a gym and working out and seemingly making an effort to get into tip top shape... which is admirable, of course.

But is it possible that Christine shared her svelte photos in response to Meri? As a way to talk some trash and to basically say that she's in better shape than her fellow Sister Wife?

Maybe. But maybe not.

It's worth remembering, though, that Christine also mentioned this month how she was embracing her sexy for a date with husband Kody.

She sent this message right around the same time that Kody was snubbing Meri on that couple's 30th wedding anniversary, once again prompting observers to wonder whether Christine was rubbing her healthy relationship in Meri's face.

Are we reading way too much into Christine's posts and pictures?

Again: Maybe.

However, during a 2012 interview with Anderson Cooper, Meri confessed it was difficult for her when Christine joined the family.

"Janelle’s relationship with Kody, although they loved each other, it wasn’t romantic," Meri said at the time, adding;

'It was easier for me to accept. His with Christine was more romantic and he cared about her much more so I felt threatened.”

Points for honesty there, right?

That was uttered a long time ago, but...

On a recent season of Sister Wives, Meri accused Christine of not wanting her around and not having a relationship with her.

“She comes in the room heavy, bringing a lot of baggage with her. I don’t know what to do with it," Christine said in response during a confessional.

Also: The two are also competing with each other by each selling LuLaRoe clothing.

We'll keep an eye on this alleged feud, while also keeping an eye on Kody and Meri in general.

Their relationship has to come to an end soon, doesn't it? Considering Kody has admitted he regrets marrying Meri?

"I feel like I was deceived into a relationship that was very different than what I expected," he said on Sister Wives this year, adding:

"Meri and I had a fast courtship with a lot of expectations and a lot of not communicating.”

Christine Brown Flaunts Weight Loss... to Taunt Rival Sister Wife? Reviewed by Shivam on May 31, 2020 Rating: 5

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