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Father Serra rest stop falls on locked-up times: Roadshow

Q: Something needs to be done about the condition of the women’s restroom at the Father Junipero Serra rest area on Interstate 280. The handicapped stall has been out of order for at least six months. Now several other stalls are also closed.

Emily Glines

A: The late Jerry Morissette would be ashamed. The former monk and homeless man became the self-created caretaker of the Serra rest stop in the 1990s, moving into a storage area as he oversaw a team of eager disabled folks who cleaned the stop that had been taken over for drug use, sexual meetings, violence, litter and graffiti. They planted lovely flowers, gardens, made the restrooms sparkle and offered free coffee.

Morissette died a decade ago of cancer. Caltrans will upgrade the stop once COVID-19 restrictions end.

Q: On my way to work the other morning on northbound Interstate 280 near Palo Alto, the 65-mph speed limit signs had 55-mph limit signs over the original signs. What’s going on with that?

Thomas Brenner

A: A couple of things. Due to the current pandemic, many projects have gone from a night time to day time work schedule, and speed limits in those areas have been reduced for safety purposes. Also, Caltrans is about to begin a paving job on I-280, which is why many of the signs have been reduced to 55 mph.

Q: Several years ago, because of a death in the family, a friend needed a passport quickly. I learned then that your congressional representative could schedule an appointment with the local passport office (in this case, San Francisco) for a one-day turnaround for your application. Submit the application in person by 10 a.m. and pick it up by 4 p.m. the same day.

I realize times are different now, but perhaps the young college student-to-be might call their local congressional representative.

Bob Petersen, Saratoga

A: This can still work.

Q: I will be 86 on July 12 and am required to take a DMV eye test. I live in a retirement community that is on lockdown in San Mateo County, and I cannot go off the property for an undesignated time period.

Can I get an extension on my license, and if so, how? I do not anticipate being able to leave my community until August or later.

Martha Lewis

A: The DMV now provides a 120-day extension to those who are still required to renew their license at a field office. This includes providing a 120-day extension to Californians age 70 and older with a noncommercial driver’s license that expires by July 31, 2020. Eligible drivers receive an extension in the mail automatically.

Join Gary Richards for an hourlong chat noon Wednesday at Look for Gary Richards at or contact him at
or 408-920-5335.

Father Serra rest stop falls on locked-up times: Roadshow Reviewed by Shivam on June 07, 2020 Rating: 5

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