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Briana DeJesus: I Hope MTV Doesn't Show Me Getting an STD from My Deadbeat Baby Daddy!

Briana DeJesus has made some poor choices in her life.

And that's OK -- everyone has.

But the unfortunate thing about Briana's poor choices is that she seems to make the same poor choice, over and over.

Girl just does not seem to care about condoms.

We've seen her deal with two unexpected pregnancies thanks to this weird condom policy, and it looks like we're going to see her deal with another consequence of this on the upcoming season of Teen Mom 2.

And thanks to a new report from The Ashley's Reality Roundup, we have all the bizarre details ...

1. Oh Girl

Briana on teen mom
Briana has a lot of good qualities, she really does, but the girl just doesn't seem to have the best taste in men.

2. Oh Hey, Devoin

Briana dejesus and devoin austin pic
There was Devoin, who got super drunk at a pool last year when he was supposed to be watching their daughter, Nova, who wasn't a great swimmer.

3. There's Luis

Luis miguel
There was Luis -- she got pregnant with Stella after they had a one night stand, and when she started considering abortion or adoption, he talked her into keeping the baby, then promptly split.

4. Oh No

Briana dejesus on teen mom 3
She dated this one guy several years back who thought it would be cool to post very intimate photos and videos of her all over social media.

5. Classic Javi

Briana and javi make it official
Who could forget Javi?! He and Briana dated for a few months, but that ended because she wouldn't move her entire family to Delaware and marry him and have his children after those few months of dating. It didn't help that towards the end of their relationship, he was also seeing Kailyn Lowry and Lauren Comeau.

6. Not Johnny

Briana dejesus and johnny rodriguez
Then there was John, who may or may not have cheated on her, we never really figured that out.
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Briana DeJesus: I Hope MTV Doesn't Show Me Getting an STD from My Deadbeat Baby Daddy! Reviewed by Shivam on May 31, 2020 Rating: 5

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